deb perelman’s coconut macaroons two ways: raspberry or dark chocolate TamaraApril 20, 2019cookiesComment
carla lalli music's pan-roasted romanesco with hazelnuts and crispy bits fall, winter, savoryTamaraMarch 29, 2019romanesco, cooked vegetables Comments
joshua mcfadden's raw butternut squash with brown butter, pecans, and cranberries fall, savory, winterTamaraNovember 21, 2018thanksgiving, butternut squash, saladComment
holly ricciardi’s coffee chocolate cinnamon pecan pie sweet, fallTamaraNovember 18, 2018pies, thanksgiving, pecans Comment
the butter lab's caramel cranberry pie sweet, fallTamaraNovember 16, 2018cranberries, pies, thanksgiving Comment
the butter lab's fig muffins with hazelnut streusel sweet, fallTamaraOctober 4, 2018muffins, figsComment
joshua mcfadden's corn and tomato salad with torn croutons summer, savoryTamaraSeptember 9, 2018corn, tomatoes, salad Comments
mindy segal's strawberry rhubarb rugelach with oatmeal streusel sweet, summer, springTamaraJune 29, 2018cookies, strawberries, rhubarbComment
the butter lab's basil cake, basil whipped cream, and macerated strawberries sweet, summerTamaraJune 15, 2018cakes, basil, strawberries Comments